Shubenacadie Wildlife Park
The wildlife park is another one of our favourite places to visit. The park is full of animals that have been rescued, donated by other parks or given over as unwanted pets (yes – people really do keep cougars as pets).
The day we went it was really quiet (i think there was only us and another 4 people in the park) and the temperature was just right so the animals were out and not having a nap. We had a lovely afternoon there wandering around and it is a bargain price to get in – just $4.25 in the summer and $2.75 in the winter months (not much to see in the winter though)
My favourite there is the racoons – they have the cutest faces. Nick likes the bears – they are lovely but boy do they stink. It is a cross between skunk and wet dog – not at all pleasant. We have been informed that this is their smell – so we shouldn’t have any problems sniffing them out on the land.