Tagged with " insulation"
Jan 29, 2012 - House Build    No Comments

Days 110 – 114

This is the week the house gets warm…..and dusty.  The first area to have the blown insulation put in was the attic space.  It looked like tiny bits of newspaper and carpet under felt all mixed together. This has been blown into the attic space to a depth of about 3 foot.

The next area to be attacked was the walls – and boy did they look like they had been attacked.  We walked in to a scene out of Ghostbusters, with bubbling foamy stuff all over the walls.  It took 3 days to have the walls done.  All windows, doors and anything you dont want covered in foam has to be covered up.  Once this has been done they begin spraying the mixture into the walls.  It is 2 chemicals that are sprayed and when they meet they form this yellow foam.  Once dried they then go round with a saw to make the insulation flush with the joists.

On Friday the gyp rock (plasterboard) arrived.  For the upper floors it was craned in through the upstairs window.

The window that was left for the gyprock to come in through has now been put in the right way, sealed and the siding on the outside put on.  The siding on the front of the house has also been finished and we have the base for the deck on the back of the house.

In the gallery for this post you will see a picture that has a red arrow on it.  This was taken from Brule Point, across the water from us.  We drove round to see if we could spot the house – and – we could.


Jan 15, 2012 - House Build    No Comments

Days 89 – 100

Welcome to 2012.  The start of the New Year means that we are ever closer to moving into our new house.

I have put the last 2 weeks together on one post as they have just flown by and the work that has been done has been mainly inside the house and so there really much for you all to see.  The first job this year was to lay out the internal walls on the second floor.  Once this was done the framing could start.  In just a couple of days we were able to walk around the rooms upstairs and get a feel for their size.

While the framing was happening upstairs we had a couple of teams in the basement working on the Geothermal system and the plumbing.  The heat needs to be switched on in the house to help dry it out before any flooring can be put down. The guys in the basement started to hook up all the pipes onto the permanent manifolds to enable the system to go live 🙂

As well as the framing going on inside – somebody still had to be out side to finish putting the insulation on the back of the house.  It didn’t take long to complete this – I think the cold sped things up a bit.  The back of the house is now blue and ready to take the siding.  Those of you with keen eyesight may notice in the pictures of the back of the house that one of the windows has not been fully installed.  This is so that when the gyp-rock for the walls arrives it can be craned in through the window – saving a lot of time and effort trying to carry each sheet up the stairs.

During the second week of the year we worked with the electrician to place all of lights, power sockets, panels and, of course, the Cat5 sockets.  Apparently no house is complete unless you have 40 of these little things 🙂

By the end of the second week of 2012 we had some lights in place, pipework for plumbing had started to go in, the handles had been put on the doors and, the best bit, we had heat on one floor.  It is now toasty in the basement 🙂