Days 168 – 172
We are now on the home straight for the house build. We have been advised that it will all be complete by the end of March, that’s only 2 weeks away.
There are a lot of little jobs (in the grand scheme of things) to do. The trim needs to go in and and be painted, doors need to be hung, carpets finished off. It is mainly detail work now so although to the eye there is ‘only’ a bit to do it takes time to do these things.
On Tuesday this week the company came to fit the counter top in the kitchen. We ordered a product called Silestone (for those in Wilts – you can get it at Leekes). It is a reconstituted granite surface which is stain resistant and very hard wearing. The colour we ordered is called Carbono. The fitters were in the kitchen for about 3 hours installing the work top. There were 6 pieces altogether and each piece weighed a fair amount. Once teh had been put into position they had to seal the 2 joins. This involved putting a clamp device on the surface and injecting a resin to bond the pieces together. When they had finished you could hardly see the joins. A very good job.