Tagged with " plumbing"
Mar 18, 2012 - House Build    No Comments

Days 154 – 165

Another exciting week.  The appliances arrived :), the flooring was delivered, the septic tank was put in (nice!!), the vanity units went in, the plumbing fixtures went in and more work was done on the kitchen.

For the flooring we chose a Maple engineered hardwood to go in the main rooms downstairs and also in the office upstairs.  The entrance way and kitchen is a black natural stone (looks a bit like slate) and then upstairs in the bedrooms we have had a cream carpet delivered.



Jan 22, 2012 - House Build    No Comments

Days 103 – 107

Week 3 2012 and things are still moving along at a good pace.  We didn’t go up to the site for a couple of days and when we did venture up there we noticed that there was a yellow – cream strip down the corner of the house by the garage.  I got all excited and said that they must be starting to put the siding up on the house.  We walked around the back only to discover that nearly the whole back side of the house had siding on it 🙂 It looked fab.  The colour was brilliant.  Our original choice of colour had been discontinued so we had to choose again – and I am glad that we did as this is a much better colour.  Really sunny and happy.

Inside the house the first fix plumbing was nearly completed.  Our electrician was running the wiring through for all of the sockets.  You can see it in some of the pictures.  The inspection is due next week so all of the main wiring has to be completed by that point.

Out the back of the house quite a few piles of sand had appeared.  We asked what they were for and were told that it is the bed for the septic tank.  At the moment the ground is too soft for the machinery to go out and dig the hole – they need a few hard frosts to make the ground a bit firmer before they dig.  So the sand is there ready for when that happens.

By end of Friday the siding was starting to go on the front of the house and the blue was quickly disappearing.  I cant say that I will miss the blue colour very much 🙂